
Charitable assistance with medical goods

Assistance to the communal non-profit enterprise “Mirgorod Hospital of Resuscitation” of the Mirgorod City Council

The Charitable Foundation “Ecology of Health Development” received a request from the executive committee of the Mirgorodskaya MG of the Poltava region to provide charitable assistance in the form of medical supplies.

The purpose of the program “Assistance to the communal non-profit enterprise “Mirgorod Intensive Care Hospital” of the Mirgorod City Council”:

Providing humanitarian charitable assistance to the following categories of the population:

  • military Armed Forces of Ukraine;
  • Ukrainian volunteer formations;
  • medical institutions;
  • volunteer organizations providing assistance to the population during martial law.

Assistance in the form of medical goods to ensure the treatment process on the basis of the Mirgorod Intensive Care Hospital of the Mirgorod City Council.

Location of the object: Poltava region, Mirgorod city, st. Gogol, 172.

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