
Fundraising for the blood-stopping drug Celox for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Today there is an urgent need at the front for hemostatic drug Celox. Our defenders are asking for help in buying Celox because with Celox we can save lives our defenders by at least 30%.

Celox is a universal hemostatic drug

Celox is a universal hemostatic drug. It is very easy to use.
Mixing with blood, the components of Celox (in particular, chitosan) form a large blood vessel plug, similar to a thick gel, thereby stopping bleeding. Rapid blood coagulation at
mixing with Celox has been proven by laboratory tests.

According to tests conducted at the US military base in Jacksonville, the application Celox showed almost 100% survival. Thanks to the active components, Celox is capable stop even arterial bleeding.

Application of Celox:

  • all bleeding wounds;
  • lacerations;
  • superficial and severe injuries.

We ask each of you to join in fundraising to bring ours closer
victory. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are grateful to everyone who can join the fundraiser.

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