
Construction of bomb shelters

The People’s Deputies supported as a basis draft law No. 7398, which proposes to build a network of reliable shelters that will protect the population from an air or chemical attack.

…Educational institutions currently do not have legal grounds for building bomb shelters…” – response to a request to the Financial Department.

The purpose of the program:

“Construction of a separate bomb shelter in the communal institution “Gogol educational and educational association” “Support institution of general secondary education – preschool education institution – out-of-school education institution” of Velikodymer settlement council of Brovarsky district of Kyiv region”.

Location of the object: Kyiv region, Brovarsky district, village Gogolov, str. Kyivska, 167.


1. Geological and geodetic surveys of the site.
2. Design works (creation of design and estimate documentation.
3. Construction works. (to be determined at the 2nd stage).

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